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Our story begins like many others, with a homebrew kit and a dream. The journey began in 2015, as two best friends brewing in the backyard. At first, we had little knowledge of what we were doing but a whole lot of passion and drive to perfect this craft. We were constantly trying to educate ourselves in every aspect of brewing. Each new batch got better and better, our equipment started getting bigger and we both knew, this was the path for us. There was no doubt, no hesitation, no swaying our minds, we were going to open up our own brewery and share our passion for beer with as many people as we could. We love everything about beer. The science behind it, experimenting with new ingredients, the brewing process, the culture, and of course drinking it! All the experiences we've had during this journey have led us here, and now we can't wait to share our beer with you. Hope you enjoy, cheers! 




Coriega Beer Company is proud to be a Veteran owned brewery that that is currently contracting with our friends from Throne Brewing Company in Glendale, AZ.


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